A Fun Activity to Help Children Work Together

 In Craftivities, Posts

What’s Your Favorite?


Takeaway & Memory Verse

God gave us different gifts to work together.

“If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose.” 1 Corinthians 12:17-18 (ESV)

This craftivity is 1 of 52 from our digital Biblically-based curriculum, available for an affordable price here!


  • Crayons
  • Sheets of paper (1-2 sheets per child)


  • Gather items and have them ready to use.


Did you know that God gave us all the same senses that work together to help us live our lives every day?

What is a sense? Allow kids to respond and help them if they don’t understand. A sense is a system our bodies use to understand or figure out the outside world.

We have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. How cool is it that God gave us those five senses?

Point to the body part that helps you see. Allow time for everyone to point to their eyes. Point to the body part that helps you hear. Allow time for everyone to point to their ears. Point to the body part that helps you smell. Allow time for everyone to point to their noses. Point to the body part that helps you taste. Allow time for everyone to point to their tongues. Point to the body part that helps you touch. Allow time for everyone to point to their hands.

Great job! Now, I want you to take some time to decide what your favorite sense is and draw the body part that is responsible for that sense.

After we are finished with our drawings, everyone will have a chance to share why they chose that sense as their favorite.


  1. Give everyone a piece of paper (or two) and some crayons.
  2. Allow about 5 minutes for everyone to draw the body part that is responsible for their favorite sense. Help younger children who don’t know how to draw the body part.
  3. Have everyone share their drawings and talk about why that is their favorite sense.

Take a moment to thank God for all five senses He gave us!

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