Free Devotional Helping Children Have Humility

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Focus: James 4:6

“But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (ESV).

Sea Kids StoryFreddy learns humility

Freddy tries out for the lead part in the school play, boasting that he is the best choice to be the king’s son. When he was given a lesser part of two lines as John the Baptist, his mother reminds him about humility with James 4:6, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”  He learns that John the Baptist was one of the most important people who pointed everyone to Jesus. He prays to Jesus, asking to be more like John the Baptist as a humble servant.

You can find episode details here.

Watch and Read Together

Pure Flix offers a free trial, where you can get all 26 Sea Kids episodes! Watch Sea Kids episode, “Let Others Shine.” Then, read Matthew 7:12 and 18:20.

Explore Together

Being prideful is sinful. God calls us to be humble like Jesus. Jesus always shows kindness and humility and he was the King of kings!  Humility means not to boast and think you are better than others. When you think you are better than others, that is being prideful. You should always treat others like you would want them to treat you.

Share Together

Answer these questions together. Have an open and honest discussion and learn how each family member can be respectful to each other and other people, as God’s word directs.

  • When something does not go your way,  how does it make you feel? How do you react?
  • How can you make someone feel better when something doesn’t go their way?
  • Why do you think Jesus wants us to help others, even if we may want to help ourselves?
  • How does it make you feel when you help friends who are struggling?

Finally, Pray Together!

Set a time each day to pray, asking the Holy Spirit to fill you with the Fruit of the Spirit.

  • As you pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you, look for opportunities to exhibit, in your actions, one Fruit, in particular, that day and another fruit the next day, until you have exhibited each Fruit of God’s Holy Spirit.

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